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Prospekt Photographers at Radar Photo Festival

June 21, 2021

Prospekt Photographers will take part to the 2021 edition of Radar Photo Festival in Trani through the work of three authors: Mads Nissen, Raffaele Petralla and Francesco Merlini.

The projects “Cosmodrome” by Raffaele Petralla and “Valparaiso” by Francesco Merlini will be on display, from June 25th to June 27th, in two exhibitions that will take place in the historical center of the town, Palazzo Beltrani and the Colonnato della Chiesa der Templari.

Mads Nissen will have a talk on the evening of Sunday June 27th on the terrace of Palazzo Beltrani.

In addition, Francesco Merlini will read portfolios together with Chiara Ruberti (PhotoLux) during the portfolio reviews that will take place at the Auditorium San Luigi on Saturday morning.

Radar is an international Festival of Photography that aims to intercept, disseminate and facilitate the exchange of ways of thinking, understanding and enjoyment of Contemporary Photography. The theme of 2021 edition is “Discoveries And Findings”.

Radar is a project of the cultural association Spaziotempo that aims to promote contemporary photography, to make people think about its social implications and its ability to influence the collective thought, it will give space to emerging talents who experiment Photography in an innovative way.

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