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Nausicaa Giulia Bianchi is one of the protagonists of “Le Fotografe” docu-series by Sky Arte

September 26, 2023

Conceived and directed by Francesco G. Raganato, the Sky Arte docu-series entitled “Le Fotografe” turns the spotlight on six Italian women committed to describing the world and society through the art of photography. The individual episodes will delve into the interests and themes addressed by each of them in detail, creating a collective portrait of a generation of artists who are redefining the role of women in the visual culture of the country.
Kicking off the second season of the program will be Nausicaa Giulia Bianchi, protagonist of the first episode, broadcast on Tuesday 26 September at 9.15pm. At the center of the episode – entitled Nausicaa Giulia Bianchi. The invisible – there will be the series of photographs dedicated to Catholic women who want to become priests: a controversial work that has certainly contributed to spreading and making the artist’s name known.

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