Nausicaa Giulia Bianchi will be on the artists whose work will be exhibited at PhEST – international festival of photography and art on the Mediterranean.
Giulia will display her long term project Women Priest Project. Since the summer of 2002, a group of suffragettes performed religious disobedience in favor of women’s ordination. Today, the movement counts more than 215 ordained women priests and 10 bishops worldwide. The Vatican considers female ordination a serious crime, at the same level of a crime such the sexual abuse of minors by priests.
Women priests do not shape a new cult, but organically gather people from the grassroots, people who no longer feel welcomed by the official church. Most of them are mature women, many are former nuns, missionaries and theologians. They work in social justice, in ecological movements, in non-profit organizations.
The exhibitions will be on display till November 3rd.