“The Egypt Room – Tales and images of the Egyptian community in Milan”, a video installation by Prospekt Photographers for the exhibition “EGITTO. La straordinaria scoperta del Faraone Amenofi II”, will be on display at Mudec Museum, from September 13th, 2017 to January 7th, 2018.
In a visual hyperbole of words and images, the video installation by Prospekt Photographers runs a century of coexistence, rich in stories and humanity, between Italians and Egyptians, starting with a second generation born in Cairo in 1925 and arriving to a generation born Milan in 1995.
Three screens speak to each other, giving rhythm to an installation that surrounds the audience with stories, tales and images from archive and field research that has involved some families of the Egyptian community in Milan as part of a larger project – Milan City World – aimed at documenting, year after year with focus on different groups, the complexity of an increasingly international city.
Concept and Direction: Samuele Pellecchia
Video: Edoardo Pasero
Editing: Arianna Cocchi
Music and audio: Federico Chiari
Dubbing: Maurizio Trombini
Graphic: Francesco Merlini
Iconographic research: Irene Fassini
Project advisor: Alessandra Coppola
Photographic images:
Civico Archivio Fotografico, Milano
Archivio fotografico Museo della Culture, Milano
CDEC, Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea, Milano
Archivio Storico Umanitaria, Milano
Archivio Touring Club Italiano, Milano
Archivio personale di Edwin Fishman, Milano